In 2017, I started a practice of making hair accessories, interviewing women of color, and photographing some of them while they wear these accessories. The interviews were done so I could get a better sense of how women of color view their hair and how they would like to be viewed. So far, a lot of these conversations have connected to white privilege, internalized racism, colorism and intersectionality.
I want to thank the women who allowed me to interview them. Some of you reached out to do an interview and I did not get to meet with you. Some of you preferred that your answers be anonymous. For these reasons, and more, I've put the interview questions here.
If you are a woman of color and would like to answer these interview questions, please take note that: 1. If you are not a woman of color, you cannot do the interview! 2. It is required to indicate at the end of the interview questions whether or not you would like to be contacted. If you would like to be contacted, please provide your name and contact information. You do not have to leave your name and contact information if you do not want to be contacted.
I am trying to develop a community that can benefit from each other. The purpose of me being able to contact you is so that I can offer advice from myself and other women, to better your experiences with your hair.
3. Your privacy is protected. I am not affiliated with any company that may use this data to influence your behavior. Your answers will never be posted to a platform without your permission.
Scroll to the bottom for definitions of terms.
Thank you!